Fort Wayne City Council approves non-biding resolution in favor of high-speed rail through city

Published: Aug. 2, 2022 at 10:43 PM EDT

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (Fort Wayne’s NBC) - Fort Wayne City Council members voted in favor Tuesday night of a non-binding resolution to support the idea of high-speed rail through the city.

Council's vote Tuesday night is non-binding.(Fort Wayne's NBC)

The system would stretch through much of northeast Indiana between Chicago and Columbus with Fort Wayne being one of the stops in between.

That vote was 7 to 1 in favor with council members Jason Arp voting against it.

Some leaders say high-speed rain would bring thousands of jobs to the area.

But, Arp said his concerns stem from the federally funded Southshore Line. He says there are several issues with that specific rail system.

Keep in mind that Tuesday night’s council vote is not a final “yes or no” when it comes to a potential project. Rather, it sends a strong message of bipartisan support.

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