Education bill that prompted strong opposition dies in Indiana Senate

House Bill 1134 was changed after public outcries.
House Bill 1134 was changed after public outcries.
Published: Feb. 28, 2022 at 9:40 PM EST
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INDIANAPOLIS (Fort Wayne’s NBC) - A bill that would have placed limits on what Indiana teachers could say in the classroom regarding racism, religion and other topics has failed to advance in the Indiana Senate.

The demise of HB 1134 follows extensive opposition from educators, civil rights advocates and others who saw it as intrusive and unnecessary and who warned of an exodus of teachers should it become law. It was widely viewed as a response to concerns that “Critical Race Theory” was spreading through Indiana schools. Hundreds signed up to speak at hearings at the capitol in recent days -- the majority opposing HB 1134.

The bill itself went through significant modification, but on Monday, the measure was declared dead for the 2022 session.

“Breaking: HB 1134 is dead!,” the Indiana State Teachers Association posted on Facebook about 6 p.m., as the news got out.

The bill failed when it was not called for a second reading. Bills that did not get that call by Monday are unable to advance this session.

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