Help is on the way for Blackhawk Middle School teen hit while walking to school

Published: Jan. 27, 2022 at 8:03 AM EST

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (Fort Wayne’s NBC) - A Go-Fund-Me page is now set up for the 13-year-old boy who was hit by a truck while heading to Blackhawk Middle School on December 16th. At the time of the accident, he was covered in blood and taken to the hospital with life threatening injuries.

According to the Go-Fund page, the teen broke both of his legs, broke his forehead, nose and lost three teeth. Plus, his calf injury was so bad he almost lost his leg. As of Tuesday night, he is back home in a wheelchair. The family describes their financial situation as “precarious” and they’re asking for any help they can get.

Andreas Lohmar is the owner of Summit Physical Therapy called our station Wednesday morning after seeing our report of the go fund me page, to offer free services to help the teen recover. Lohmar says from the injuries that he’s heard, the recovery process can be long and expensive. He figure as a orthopedic outpatient clinic, he thought about how they could help.

“It could be a long drawn out rehab, just getting back on his feet. He probably lost a lot of strength in the meantime and I don’t know if he has other injuries that he had before this whole process. We’ll just have to see if he wants to come, I’ll be happy to help him.” Lohmar said.

Investigators say the driver of the pickup told police that his vision was obstructed and he couldn’t see the crossing guard or the child in the roadway. Police haven’t said yet whether the driver involved will face any charges.

RELATED STORY: Family of Blackhawk Middle School reacts to early morning crash leaving a 13-year-old boy in life-threatening condition

As for now, Lohmar hopes this inspires others to help out. He says, “Sometimes you don’t realize how good giving feels, it feels much more fulfilling.”

To donate, the Go-Fund Me page can be found here: Boy hit by vehicle on way to school

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