NACS board makes several moves at Monday night meeting including voting in acting superintendent, board leadership

Published: Jan. 10, 2022 at 8:12 PM EST

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (Fort Wayne’s NBC) - Members of the Northwest Allen County Schools board Monday night voted in Dr. Gloria Shamanoff as acting superintendent in Monday night’s meeting. Dr. Shamanoff is the current Assistant Superintendent for the district. Current Superintendent Chris Himsel announced he was taking a leave until January 31. Monday night during a phone conversation, Himsel told Fort Wayne’s NBC News he’s “taking a leave of absence for personal health concerns.” He gave no further information, and a spokesperson for the district says she cannot comment on the situation. Dr. Shamanoff gave the NACS superintendent’s report at Monday night’s meeting regarding the district’s COVID-19 policies, among other issues.

Also Monday night, board members voted in Ron Felger as president and Kent Somers as vice president. And, members said that once board meetings are held in-person again, public comment will be accepted.

The board also worked to clarify their COVID-19 quarantine policies. Those changes are as follows.

The following summary continues to be revised as guidance is updated by the governor, governing bodies/agencies, CDC, AAP, IDOH, and ACDH. As adopted by the Board of School Trustees Resolution on Nov. 8, 2021, Northwest Allen County Schools shifted to mask optional for students, staff, and visitors after Dec. 18, 2021.

Note: The CDC recommends the wearing of masks indoors. Also, per Federal Order, students and staff will continue to wear masks on buses.

STUDENT ISOLATION: Student tests positive for COVID-19 If a student tests positive, they must isolate regardless of vaccination status.

• Day 1 – 5: Stay home. o Five days from onset of symptoms, OR o If asymptomatic, 5 days from date of positive test. Test must come from a verified test site. (To be exempt from future quarantine for 90 days, the positive test must come from a verified test site.)

• Day 6-10: If asymptomatic or symptoms resolving after day 5 (fever free for 24 hours without medication): o Return to school on day 6 following enhanced precautions (wearing a mask, social distancing as practicable, hand sanitizing, daily symptom monitoring, etc.) through day 10. o Return to extra/cocurricular activities on day 6 following enhanced precautions (including wearing a mask at all times) through day 10. o If unable to adhere to enhanced precautions, then continue quarantine through day 10.

STUDENT QUARANTINE: Exposure (close contact) to someone who tests positive with COVID-19

• Fully vaccinated: Return to school and show proof of all primary vaccinations (does NOT have to include boosters) OR positive test for COVID in last 90 days. Note: To be exempt from quarantine, the positive test must come from a verified test site.

o No quarantine if asymptomatic; provide proof of vaccinations. Recommend following enhanced precautions through day 10 of exposure to positive case (test on day 5 if possible).

o Continue extra/cocurricular activities. Recommend following enhanced precautions if not actively participating.

• Unvaccinated or partially vaccinated:

o Day 1 – 5: Stay home.

▪ If symptoms develop, get tested and follow isolation guidance above (and a new return date is established). o Day 6 – 10: ▪ Return to school on day 6 if asymptomatic. Follow enhanced precautions through day 10.

▪ Return to extra/cocurricular activities on day 6. Follow enhanced precautions through day 10.

o Note: For student quarantines, if unable to adhere to enhanced precautions, then continue quarantine through day 10.

STUDENT SHOWS SYMPTOMS AT SCHOOL: If a student exhibits symptoms, then parents will be notified, and the student should be tested at a verified test site. If they test positive, they will follow the isolation guidance above. If they test negative, they may return to school. Visitors, Volunteers and Parents

• CDC recommends following enhanced precautions for all visitors, including parents.

o Visitors will be directed to acceptable locations as determined by building administrators during the school day.

o Case conferences and 504 meetings will occur onsite as permitted.

• Outside groups may rent NACS facilities during after school hours and adhere to the stated procedures.

• The CDC recommends following enhanced precautions during sporting events, academic competitions and cocurricular activities.

The NACS board voted to pass the policy 3-2.

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