Greater Fort Wayne Inc. prepares to unveil economic development strategy

Published: Oct. 26, 2021 at 9:26 AM EDT
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FORT WAYNE, Ind. (Fort Wayne’s NBC) - Attracting good paying jobs is always among the biggest priorities for a place like Fort Wayne.

Greater Fort Wayne Inc. is getting ready to roll out a new economic development strategy to serve as a guide for what job recruiting efforts look like locally for the next five to ten years.

There are some exciting projects coming to this area.

Amazon plans to hire up to 1,000 workers at an eCommerce distribution center being built off U.S. 30 by Sweetwater Sound northwest of the city.

The jobs there will pay at least $15.00 an hour.

In the tight labor market, making sure there are workers available to hire is crucial.

Greater Fort Wayne Inc. says some industries will need to adapt to changing market conditions going forward.

Meanwhile, leaders at Ivy Tech Community College in Fort Wayne say young people being trained for the workplace of the future are counting on employers to deliver things they consider to be important.

“They want something that is a career they can put to work here in their community. They have families, they need security that comes with things like healthcare benefits and access to affordable childcare and so all of those things matter to our students,” said Aja Michael-Keller, the executive director of marketing and communications for Ivy Tech here in the city.

Greater Fort Wayne Inc. administrators will tell you that bringing jobs to Allen County is critical but not more important than bringing in the right kind of jobs.

“As we’re out talking to folks and working to attract jobs, we’re focusing on jobs that are higher end, higher wage jobs. You know, we talk about growing jobs, growing wages in order to grow the economy. And that’s an area that we need to continue to work on as a community,” said John Urbahns, the president and CEO of Greater Fort Wayne Inc.

The organization hopes to reveal its new economic development strategy in the next month or so.

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